This study abroad scholarship subsidizes expenses accompanied with involvement in a foreign language study program for UNL undergraduate students. Students may pursue study or research abroad.
Scholarships Available
One or more (13 students received awards for Summer 2013 – Spring 2014)
Maximum Award
Summer $1,000
Semester $2,000
Year $3,000
1.Must be enrolled as an undergraduate student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
2.Read, write, and speak a foreign language at a level that allows full pursuit for study or research abroad. In addition, you must be planning to study a foreign language while abroad.
3.Cumulative GPA of 3.0
4.Have completed at least 42 semester hours of undergraduate course work.
5.Have worked to offset at least a portion of the cost of the student's college education using his or her own resources or can demonstrate being engaged in the university community, local community, or through volunteer or extra-curricular activities.
Recipient Requirements
•Submit a mid-term report of 800 words or less describing the progress they have made in meeting the intellectual goals set forth in their Statement of Purpose.
•Give a formal presentation at UNL on a topic related to their field of study or research.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/oo6k