UNL Faculty-Led Trip: Belize: Between Worlds - Past, Present, & Hidden Spaces

UNL Faculty-Led Trip: Belize: Between Worlds - Past, Present, & Hidden Spaces
UNL Faculty-Led Trip: Belize: Between Worlds - Past, Present, & Hidden Spaces

Program Highlights

-Learn from local experts on various topics, ranging from Mayan history and culture to the role of NGOs and community based organizations in Belize
-Meet with community leaders to learn about Mayan modern life and culture
-Explore Mayan ruins and intricate cave systems in Belize City and San Ignacio
-Learn about the ecology and environment of Belize

Course of Study

Through this 6-day program set in Belize City and San Ignacio, Belize, students will get an opportunity to experience traveling abroad and learning the value of international education. Through this program, participants will be able to understand the socio-cultural, political, economic, linguistic, and historic experiences of Belize as an ancient and modern nation. Participants will also be able to understand the rich history of ancient and modern Mesoamerican cultures and its peoples through reading and exploring historical, archaeological and contemporary sites. Lastly, participants will gain an insight into the benefits of international education.

Course Credit

Global Studies (GLST) 198 – Special Topics (1 credit)

The prerequisites for the course are permission of the instructors and trip expense deposits being made by the due dates.


All students must be enrolled as a freshman at UNL during the application process and complete at least 18 credits by the start of the program.

Additional required qualifications are 1) a GPA of 2.75 or higher, 2) student must not have participated in an organized education abroad program in the past, and 3) student must be first generation (meaning neither parents has a 4-year University degree) and/or belong to a community traditionally underrepresented in international education.

Faculty Leaders

The course will be led by Dr. Radha Balasubramanian and Dr. Emira Ibrahimpasic. Dr. Balasubramanian and Dr. Ibrahimpasic are educators passionate about international education. Both are avid travelers who have deep commitments to promoting global issues and hands-on learning while traveling. Dr. Balasubramanian is Professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Director of the Global Studies program. Dr. Ibrahimpasic is a trained cultural anthropologist and the coordinator/advisor for Global Studies, and has taught in various other departments including Anthropology, Educational Psychology and Global Studies.

Dr. Ibrahimpasic, 314 Seaton Hall, eibrahimpasic3@unl.edu, (402) 472-2150

Dr. Balasubramanian, 307 Seaton Hall, rbalasubramanian1@unl.edu, 402-472-3827

More details at: http://tinyurl.com/o7vsp5h