Student Spotlight: Maddy Breeling

Student Spotlight: Maddy Breeling
Student Spotlight: Maddy Breeling

Name: Maddy Breeling

Major/Minor: Global Studies with minors in Business and National Security

Hometown: Omaha, NE

Year at UNL: Junior

Why Global Studies?
I chose Global Studies because it allows me to see the human side of issues, while putting larger problems into an accessible perspective. The world is so vast and complex, but Global Studies lets me connect countries, ideas, people, and conflicts and helps me to better understand the interconnectedness of the globe. It also gives me a freedom with my classes and specializations that very few other majors offer

Tell us about your study abroad/internship experience.
I will be traveling To Cusco, Peru in January for the semester. I am lucky enough to be able to take a variety of classes taught in both Spanish, such as Indigenous Cultures of Peru and English, such as Archaeology of the Andes and Indigenous Knowledge of Climate Change. I will be able to see Manchu Picchu while in Peru and it is actually very close to my home town, as well as Lake Titicaca, the Amazon rain forest and the Salt Flats on South America. Hopefully, while living with my host family, I will be able to experience the life of an authentic Peruvian.

What are you post-graduation plans?
After graduating I hope to move back to South America and teach English while traveling. Following this, I would like to return to the U.S. and either pursue a career within the federal government in International Relations or within International Environmental Law. Positive diplomacy and the environmental are two things that I am very passionate about.