Name: Eric Macke

Major/Minor: Global Studies

Hometown: Lincoln, NE

Year at UNL: Senior

Why Global Studies? Coming into college as a freshman, I initially chose Global Studies as a major because I knew I wanted to have an international focus. I have always been globally inclined in my thinking and I figured Global Studies would be a good start to channel my international interests.

During my time at the University I have taken many engaging courses through the major. Two that stand out in my mind are SOCI 217: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity and LAMS 478: Growth and Development of Latin American Cities. Both courses had inspiring professors who created productive critical thought. They are the type of courses, which help explain some of the more complex problems in today’s society.

Advice for Global Studies students: My suggestions for new Global studies majors would be first to start looking at study abroad opportunities early on. Although you may not study abroad until later in your college education it is still great to familiarize yourself with what places and scholarships are available to you. My second suggestion would be to connection with international students on campus. Direct interactions with people from other countries can be one of the best ways to expand your global thinking. There are several thousand students at the University at all times who offer differing perspectives and friendship, which are invaluable.

Study Abroad Experience: My study abroad experience was a 5-week summer trip to Costa Rica. I studied at Veritas University in San Jose and lived with a host family during my stay. I took two classes while I was abroad, Spanish and Latin American Human Rights. The human rights course was possibly the best course I have ever taken during college. The day-to-day experience of living with a host family and going to school everyday was highly intensive but extremely rewarding. It gave myself an immense amount of confidence in my ability to be independent in a new environment. Lastly, the most amazing destination I traveled to during my study abroad was Manuel Antonio National Park.

What are your post-graduate plans?
My post-graduate plans short term would be ideally to work for a local refugee resettlement agency here in Lincoln. Growing up in the city I’ve met numerous people who have been through the process and I feel it would be an area in which I could be motivated and passionate.