AmeriCorps is Hiring

AmeriCorps looking for help with Refugee Resettlement
AmeriCorps looking for help with Refugee Resettlement

Lutheran Family Services are looking for motivated individuals who are interested in national service to commit to a year of full time or half time service with our AmeriCorps program. The AmeriCorps Service year begins September 1st, 2016 and ends August 31st, 2017. I have attached a flyer for our program with my contact information and details about member duties and benefits.

At Lutheran Family Services AmeriCorps members gain first hand experience working with refugees from around the world. Our organization resettles over 1,000 people a year all over Nebraska from places like Sudan, Somalia, Nepal, Burma, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Members gain insight into non-profit management and service-delivery, and develop valuable skills in case management.

AmeriCorps members with Lutheran Family Services earn a living stipend and education award, and qualified full-time applicants may also earn a healthcare and childcare benefits.