I am majoring in Global Studies and English with a double minor in Japanese and Communication.

I am from Oakland Nebraska, a small town will little over 1,000 people

My favorite book is "Innocence" by Dean Koontz this is the second book I read from this author and was just as pleased with this book as I was with "By the Light of the Moon". Innocence is about a man who must live in hiding because when people see his face they become violent and try and kill him. The book explores his past and his present life while you, the reader, try to find out why they react to him. Dean Koontz has a wonderful imagination and he gives detailed descriptions laced with humor and, when needed, seriousness.

My favorite food is chicken noodle soup. Its hard to explain my love for it, maybe it has to do with my childhood. What ever the reason, I can't help but eat it with a smile and my face as it warms my stomach and heart.

I am a Junior.

I chose Global Studies because my interests involved language and foreign countries. I love learning about other countries, both their language and culture. Global Studies is a broad major and is flexible which is one of its charming qualities.

Currently I am in Matsudo, Japan for an internship at Senmatsu Junior High school. This internship does not require Japanese because the teachers and staff want you to speak English with the children and get to know them. A daily schedule requires me to be at the school by 8:30 and class starts at 8:45. We are only require to help with the 8th and 9th graders but will sometimes are requested to assist with the 7th graders. Each class has one English teacher and a Japanese teacher who speaks excellent English. The class is lead by the English teacher and the Japanese teacher helps with translations if needed. I, the intern, walk around and help the kids with their pronunciations and answer questions. I am sometimes partnered up with them as well. During lunch we play games with the kids and get to know them. Before class I will have conversations with them which lets me get to know them. Twice a week I have Japanese lessons with a Japanese teacher. When the 7th graders have class I will help the English teachers with any printing, cutting, or copying jobs they have. We get to participate in school events such as trips, sports day, festivals, and contests. On the weekends when I am not doing homework I explore Tokyo. I have been to Asakusa, Sky Tree, Ueno, Akihabara, and even Tsukuba. So far I have climbed a mountain for a school trip and have taken part in the school festival and sports day. I will be staying at a families house of one of the students I have become friends with for a home stay over a weekend and I plan on going to Disney sea, Edo zoo, Kyoto and Osaka.

After I graduate I plan on becoming a teacher in Japan.

Find out more about the Senshu Matsudo Jr. High School Japan Internship by talking to Emira Ibrahimpasic. Set up an appointment today by emailing

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