This five-week Study Abroad experience will afford the students six credits. This study abroad experience will involve an extensive tour of the Czech Republic with special attention to Czech Culture, History and Language. In addition, through a Global Studies course students will also focus on topics of technological research related to Water Resource Management and Nanotechnology. Courses will be presented as a series of lectures examining the country and its various technological inventions, it's long tradition in nanotechnologies, environmental protection and water related research. Lectures will be introductory in nature, and the instructors will understand that students will have had, at the most, elementary biology or chemistry. The aim is to provide the student with an understanding of the range of possible venues in which advanced scientific research can address problems on regional and global levels.
In addition to a variety of lectures, students will also participate in Art and Architecture walks/tours of various cities in the Czech Republic, visits to synagogues, monuments, and museums.
Students will earn six credit hours for this program for the following courses:
CZEC 398/HIST 397: Special Topics: Magic Prague and Czech Republic: Language, History and Culture
GLST 491: Special Topics: Global yet Regional Topics in the Czech Republic
More details at: http://unl.studioabroad.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=12503