Democracy and democrats across Europe with a special focus on the Czech Republic
The presentation is introduced by a short list of paradoxes, including the basic paradox of democracy: "although democracy, potentially, is the most peaceful regime, its fundamental principles tend to be in a perpetual conflict.“ The moto of French Revolution: Liberté, egalité, fraternité is used to describe the main socio-political pre-requisites of democracy. Cluster analysis was used to assess representative democratic and non-democratic mentalities across Europe, Central-Eastern European regions and the Czech Republic. The presentation is concluded with a list of four democratic concerns/worries.
This presentation will be given by Martina Klicperová-Baker from the Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Research Interests:
Psychology of Democracy, Civility, Civic Culture, Democratic Citizenship, Transition to Democracy, Political Psychology, Antisocial Behavior, Nonviolence, Psychology of Time Perspective
Professional experience:
Current position: research scholar at the Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (since 1991)
Selected publications:
Klicperová-Baker, M. & Košťál, J. (2017). Post-Communist Democracy vs. Totalitarianism: Contrasting Patterns of Need Satisfaction and Societal Frustration. Communist and Post-Communist Studies. DOI: 10.1016/j.postcomstud.2017.05.002.
Weissenberger, S., Ptáček, R. Klicperová-Baker, M. et al. (2017). ADHD, lifestyles and comorbidities: A call for an holitstic perspective from medical to societal intervening factors. Frontiers in Psychology 8, Article # 454, published Apr. 6, 2017.
Weissenberger, S. - Klicperová-Baker, M. - Zimbardo, P.G. - Schonova, K. - Akotia, D. - Košťál, Jaroslav - Goetz, M. - Raboch, J. - Ptáček, R. (2016) ADHD and Present Hedonism: Time perspective as a potential diagnostic and therapeutic tool. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. No. 12, p. 2963-2971 ISSN 1178-2021.
Klicperová-Baker, M. & Košťál, J. (2016). Psychology of Democracy: Paradoxes of democracy, social psychological preconditions for democracy, and current dilemmas. International Journal of Psychology. Vol. 51-S1. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2016. s. 919-919. E-ISSN 1464-066X. [International Congress of Psychology /31./. 24.07.2016-29.07.2016, Yokohama]
Klicperová-Baker, M. & Košťál, J. (2016). Frustration and satisfaction in a post-communist democracy: Empirical assessments and interpretation in terms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. International Journal of Psychology. Vol. 51-S1. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2016. s. 922-922. E-ISSN 1464-066X. [International Congress of Psychology /31./. 24.07.2016-29.07.2016, Yokohama]
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/xx8b