Name: Melissa Allen
Major/Minors while at UNL: Global Studies and Geography, with a minor in French
Current Position: I live in Southeast Morocco in an oasis city 20 minutes from the largest erg (dunes) in the country. I am a Peace Corps volunteer in the Youth Development sector. Right now, I am the training and content manager for Model United Nations in Morocco. MUN in Morocco hosts a yearly national conference for high school students and teacher trainings and provides materials and resources for facilitators and students interested in MUN. I also teach English, beginning French and drawing to about 30 kids from preschool through high school for the Anaama Association. I also organized an early morning aerobics women's group.
What are some clubs/organizations you were involved with while at UNL?
I did Model United Nations all four years of college, and was the co-president the last year. I studied abroad twice to Ethiopia to conduct soil research, and in my second time there, I worked on a UCARE project on soil quality for smallholder farms in South Wollo, Ethiopia with my professor Dr. Mamo. I interned with the Office of Sustainabilty of UNL, the Groundwater Foundation, and I completed a virtual internship with the Peace Corps Headquarters my final semester. I was a news reporter for the Daily Nebraskan for a few years. I also worked at the Dairy Store all 4 years of my undergraduate career.
What is your advice for current Global Studies majors as they look to the future?
I'm still trying to figure out the answer to that question myself, but one thing that has helped me so far is that I've began planning as early as possible for future endeavors, and I try to yes to every opportunity that comes my way whether it directly applies to the future I want for myself or not. Sometimes a volunteering or internship opportunity doesn't directly apply to what you think you want, but those experiences can definitely come in handy as well. Be a vigilant and patient goalsetter!