UNL Global Studies

Week 1: Welcome & Welcome Back
Week 1: Welcome & Welcome Back

Week 1: Welcome & Welcome Back

Welcome to 2018-2019 academic year at UNL. Global Studies is excited for a year filled with opportunities and experiences for all our majors and minors. Please be sure to stop by our offices at Seaton Hall and say hello.


Study Abroad in Russia | Summer 2019

Study Abroad in Russia | Summer 2019UNL Global Studies is heading to Russia in summer 2019. This 3-week/3-credit class focused on Russian culture, history, literature, society, and art and will be take place in St. Petersburg and Moscow, but will also visit Vladimir & Suzdal. Find out more by emailing Emira Ibrahimpasic emira@unl.edu. Continue reading…

Originally published August 20, 2018 - Submit an Item