Summer Course: ENGL 349 - National Cinemas "Resist! The Revolutionary Events of '1968' in International Cinema"

In 2018, the global revolutionary events known as “1968” had their 50th anniversary. This course affords students the opportunity to study what “1968” was about—what happened, why, and with what consequences. We will do so by examining how a range of national cinemas responded to the events of 1968 and their aftermath—responded, that is, as both “witnesses” to the events (films that were made more or less right at the time when they transpired) and “historians” (films that look back at the events with ever increasing historical distance). In so doing, this course gives students the opportunity not only to learn something about (film) history but also to think about what kind of images we might need TODAY in order to act upon our crisis-ridden time by countering it for the benefit of a time to come.