We are so excited to welcome you to 2019-2020 academic year. Global Studies is a home to incredible students, staff, and faculty and we are excited for a year filled with extraordinary opportunities and experiences. Our offices are always open, stop by and say Hello on the 8th floor of Oldfather.
Meet Dylan Patrick, sophomore double major in Global Studies and Political Science from Georgetown, Texas. Dylan chose Global Studies as his major because he wants to make the world a better, and more peaceful place. Next year Dylan plans on studying in China. Continue reading…
Olivia Miller is the Academic Advisor for Anthropology, Geography and Global Studies majors. She is located in 818 Oldfather Hall and you can schedule an appointment with her via MyPLAN. Continue reading…
Anthropology, Geography, and Global Studies invite you to join us for our annual Open House & Welcome Back Celebration, next Friday, September 6th, 2-4pm in Andrews Hall 228 (Bailey Library).
Lincoln Literacy, a multi-award-winning charitable provider of language and literacy services, is looking for 2 interns this fall semester to teach English to new immigrants and refugees in our community. Commitment is 6-8 hours per week. Apply TODAY! Continue reading…
Join us next Thursday for our first Global Café of the year: Careers with Peace Corps. 12:00pm-1:00pm in 827 Oldfather with coffee and pastries served.
The U.S. Department of State's Gilman Scholarship is now accepting applications for those studying abroad during the Spring 2020, Summer 2020, and Fall 2020/Academic Year 2020-2021 terms.
Also, the new Gilman-McCain Scholarship is an award for child dependents of active duty service members. Continue reading…
Education Abroad will be hosting their Education Abroad Fair September 17th from 11am-2pm in the Union Plaza. Stop by and learn about programs and see where you might go!
From the Heartland to the Heart of Europe: Challenges to Security and Democracy is a faculty-led program with the Honors Program, National Security Studies and Political Science. Applications are due January 24th, 2020 (go.unl.edu/poland) and the scholarship deadline is January 5th. Continue reading…
Applications are being accepted through November 1st for USAID's Donald Payne International Development Fellowship. This Fellowship includes two summer internships and up to $22,000 for a two-year master's degree in fields related to the Foreign Service. Learn more at: https://www.paynefellows.org. Continue reading…