
Name: Saadi Bualaq
Major/Minor: Global Studies, with minors in Economics and Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Hometown: Lincoln, NE
Year at UNL: Junior

Favorite book and why: My favorite book is Americanah by Chumamanda Ngozi Adichie. It’s the story of Ifeumelu and Obinze who are a couple from Nigeria. It talks about the struggle of moving to a western country. It’s my favorite book because it helps remind me of what my parents went through when they immigrated to the US from Chad.

Favorite movie and why: My favorite movie is Intouchables. It takes place in Paris, and it’s the story of a friendship between Philippe, a wealthy quadriplegic, and Driss, an immigrant from Senegal. Driss had no interest in being Philippe’s caretaker. He only interviewed so he could continue to receive welfare benefits. Despite his lack of experience, he was hired. Throughout the movie Driss never laves Philippe’s side and they develop their close friendship. It’s a really well done movie and I highly recommend it.

Why Global Studies?: Everything in our world is being increasingly interconnected. I chose this major to be a member of a global community and workforce. I thought it was important to understand the complexity, diverseness, and interconnectedness of today’s world. Global Studies had a wide variety of classes. One class I’m looking forward to taking is POLS-361: UN and World Politics, I have a very high interest in that subject. Being a first generation American, I was expected to become a lawyer, doctor or engineer - instead I took advantage of my diverse background.

If you have any interest in identifying global challenges facing people and communities, how political, economic, and cultural forces shape our world, or developing a global perspective, I highly recommend majoring or minoring in Global Studies. It’s a very flexible and rewarding major where you can develop lots of skills, meet lots of great people!

Education abroad: I plan on studying abroad in France during the 2020 fall semester. While I haven’t studied abroad, I’ve been all over Europe and Africa for long periods of time throughout my life visiting and staying with friends and family. I’ve mainly spent my time in Chad and France. I’ve also spent time in places like The UK, The Netherlands, Ethiopia, Libya, and Cameroon.

Post-Graduation Plans: I currently have my eyes set on getting my master’s degree. I hope to become a Foreign Service Officer with The Department of State once I finish school, or go work with an IGO like The UN. I’m currently working as a part-time Mission Support for US Citizenship and Immigration Services, so I’ve currently got my foot in the door.