The Department of Classics and Religious studies will host a lecture by Candy Gunther Brown titled “Why are Public School Yoga and Mindfulness Programs Popular and Controversial?” This lecture will be held on October 10 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. in the Bailey Library, Room 229 of Andrews Hall. The lecture will be free and open to the public.
Brown’s lecture will be based on her recently released book about yoga in public schools. She will explain the appeal and most common objections to public school yoga, mindfulness, and other meditation programs. Are such programs “secular” or “religious”—or both? How strong is scientific evidence of efficacy, safety, and appropriateness as universal interventions? Should educators be concerned about cultural appropriation and cultural imperialism? Brown probes these questions and the legal and ethical stakes. Brown argues that opt-in programs are the best way to achieve a respect for cultural and religious diversity.
Brown received her Ph.D. from Harvard and is a professor of Religious Studies at Indiana University. Brown is the author of six books and her latest, released in May, is Debating Yoga and Mindfulness in Public Schools. After the lecture, copies of Brown’s book will be available for a discount and Brown will be available to sign copies of her book and answer any questions about the talk.
For more information contact Max Mueller at .
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