Spring 2020 Classes of Interest for Global Studies

- FREN 387: Francophone Environmental Literature
Examine issues such as climate change, environmental and social justice, natural disasters and resource extraction in the French-speaking regions of the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, Africa, France, Canada, and the Indian Ocean. This course is taught in English and can be substituted in the theme Global Resources & the Environment.

- GEOG 380: Geography of Africa
This course provides an overview of the major physical and human landscapes in Africa. Prominent past and current events will be placed into a spatial context in an attempt to develop insight into the interrelationships that exist among people, cultures, countries, economies, and the environment, not only within Africa, but between Africa and the rest of the world. This course can be substituted into the Africa & Middle East region.

- JAPN 333: Japanese Business Culture & Protocol
Learn the standard of Japanese business culture and other related social protocols. This course is taught in English and can be substituted into either the Asia & Eurasia region or the Identity, Culture & Society theme for the major or minor.

- RELG 381: When the World's Religions Came to Lincoln
The Religious Studies Program is offering their Special Topics course next spring and will be focusing on the ever-changing religious landscape of Lincoln. This course can be substituted into the Identity, Culture and Society theme for the major or minor.

- RELG 398: Eastern Orthodoxy - Past, Present and Future
This course will examine the history and theology of the Eastern Orthodox churches, from the beginning of Christianity to the modern day. We will examine how and why Christianity split into two factions, the West becoming Catholic and the East Orthodox. Students will learn the basics of Orthodox theology, as well as the Orthodox view on various moral issues. We will look at how Orthodoxy spread to different countries all over the world, which lead to their unique historical experiences. This course can be substituted into the European region.