Below are this week's advising updates:
* I will be out of the office on Tuesday due to a conference, but will return Wednesday.
* Please bookmark this link for important deadlines like registration refunds, last day to drop and changing to pass/no pass: https://registrar.unl.edu/academic-calendar/#tab2.
* Summer enrollment will open on March 2nd, if you're considering summer classes schedule an appointment with me in MyPLAN.
* March 2nd is also the day the Fall 2020 schedule will be posted in MyRED. Enrollment for fall will begin March 30th.
* The last day to change a course to Pass/No Pass is March 6th, if you're considering making a change, please email me or schedule an appointment in MyPLAN to discuss this.
* The last day to drop a course is April 3rd.
* UCARE applications for the 2020-2021 academic year are now open. Academic year applications are due March 2nd. Applications must be uploaded here: https://ucare.unl.edu/apply-ucare. Participants in the UCARE program receive a $2,400 research stipend and experience learning with a faculty adviser on a research or creative activity project.