The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s annual public water and natural resources seminar continues weekly through April 25.
The lectures are each Wednesday, except March 14 and 21, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the first floor auditorium of Hardin Hall, northeast corner of N. 33rd and Holdrege streets, UNL East Campus, Lincoln. Some of the lectures are on Fridays as part of a series hosted by Environmental and Water Resources Engineering and the UNL Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
Lectures in the Water Center series get into surface and groundwater modeling, as well as topics such as managing Africa’s water, valuing freshwater ecosystem goods and services, lessons learned from the 2011 Missouri River flood, in-stream flows and climate change impacts.
The final lecture in the series is a panel discussion looking at the realities of moving large amounts of water from where they are to where they may be needed. Panelists are Mark Pifher, Aurora Water; Don Blankenau, Blankenau Wilmoth LLP; and Terry McArthur, HDR Engineering, Inc. The discussion is scheduled for 90 minutes, extending the lecture to 5 p.m.
A complete lecture schedule is online at Videos of most lectures, along with speaker PowerPoint presentations, will be posted on that web site within a few days of the lectures.
The remaining lectures will be 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Hardin Hall unless noted below.
Feb. 22: Can Technological Optimism Trump the Politics of Scarcity? Water Resource Management in the Middle East, Alon Tal, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Feb. 29: Valuation of Freshwater Ecosystem Goods and Services, Walter Dodds, Kansas State University
March 2: Review of Water Quantity and Quality Applications of the SWAT Model in the USA, Raghaven Srinivasan, Texas A&M University, 11-12 p.m., Scott Engineering Center 111
March 7: Missouri River Mainstem Reservoir System – Lessons Learned from 2011 Flood of Record, Kevin Grode, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
March 14: No seminar
March 21: No seminar (UNL Spring Break)
March 28: Integrating Hydrology and Economics: The Challenge of Practical Modeling, Richard Howitt, University of California, Davis (modeling subset)
April 4: Environmental Flows in an Arid Landscape, Shannon Brewer, Oklahoma State University
April 11: Modeling and Forecasting a Groundwater-Dominated Ecosystem, David Steward, Kansas State University (modeling subset)
April 13: Hydroinformatics: Optimization and Uncertainties of Integrating Data, Models and Decisions, Dimitri Solomatine, UNESCO Institute for Water Education, 11-12 p.m., Scott Engineering Center 111
April 18: Assessing the Ecohydrological Effects of Land Use Change Across Multiple Scales: From Leaves to Watersheds, Heidi Asbjornsen, University of New Hampshire
April 20: A Physically-Based Approach to Assess the Impact of Climate Change on Canadian Water Resources, Ed Sudicky, University of Waterloo, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Bessey Hall Room 117
April 25: Economics, Engineering and Law: The Realities of Moving Large Quantities of Water Long Distances – Mark Pifher, Aurora Water; Don Blankenau, Blankenau Wilmoth LLP; Terry McArthur, HDR Engineering, Inc; 3:30-5 p.m.
-- Steven W. Ress, Nebraska Water Center
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