The first Geography Field Tour, May 7-13, 2012, is a two-credit course (GEOG 498/898, Sec. 391) led by Paul Hanson that will give students an overview of the physical and cultural geography of central and western Nebraska. It is a chance to learn about each place through first-hand experience rather than in a traditional classroom setting.
Students will learn about the formation of the Nebraska Sand Hills, the Nebraska Loess Hills, the Platte River Valley, and the topography of the Badlands and the Pine Ridge region in northwestern Nebraska. The itinerary includes stops at several state parks and historic sites in the state.
Destinations include the Barta Brothers Ranch and Calamus Reservoir in the Sand Hills, the Ashfall Fossil Beds, Bignell Hill, Turner Bison Ranch, Lake McConaughy, Chadron State Park, Toad Stool State Park, Hudson-Meng Bison kill site, Ft. Robinson, and Oglala National Grassland.
For more information please contact Paul Hanson, phanson2@unl.edu, 402-482-7762.