Inside SNR | Pegg Dives Into Large River Ecology, Weatherfest Returns, Recycle Journals, Flora Updated
Mark Pegg poses with an endangered pallid sturgeon collected on the Missouri River during a project to send them to a hatchery for spawning and release them back into the wild.
Mark Pegg's research informs management of invasive species, stocking sportfish, and protecting the habitat of invasive species. His students help with fieldwork in the Missouri, Niobrara and Platte rivers, and he leads a trip to Namibia every other year. Continue reading…
The lobby of Hardin Hall was packed at Weatherfest 2011.
Are you ready for the 2012 severe weather season? Bring the family and learn about state-of-the-art storm readiness at UNL's 12th annual Weatherfest, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday, March 31, in Hardin Hall, including a town hall meeting, activities for kids, and talks by experts and storm spotters. Continue reading…
The second edition of Flora of Nebraska, newly available, will be the standard reference for serious botanists. At 967 pages, it covers nearly 2000 species and incorporates thousands of updates based on new plant sightings and on changes in taxonomy. Continue reading…
Congratulations to SNR students Josiah Dallmann, Fisheries and Wildlife, and Tom Batter, Fisheries and Wildlife and Environmental Studies, whose posters won recognition from the Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society, March 2 at Ponca State Park. Continue reading…
We've got a few spots left in the Master Naturalist training that begins April 14 in central Nebraska. Please help spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested in this opportunity to learn about and conserve Nebraska's natural heritage. Continue reading…
Ashley Barnett, Geography Ph.D. candidate, will present "Analyzing Gravestone Iconography, Brownville, Nebraska" on March 15, 2012, as part of the National Park Service Midwest Archeological Center’s Lunchtime Lecture Series. Her talk will be 12:00-12:45 at the Robert V. Denney Federal Building. Continue reading…
The owner of these shelves knows exactly where everything is.
Anticipating the big push that starts today for faculty and staff in Hardin Hall to recycle, SNR faculty members weighed the pros and cons of recycling journal collections that have more symbolic than informational value in the digital era. Continue reading…
Greg Wagner and Daryl Bauer of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will present “The Wild Life of Interacting with the Media” at 7 p.m. March 14, in the Hardin Hall auditorium. The presentation is free and open to the public. Continue reading…
SNR geographers were well-represented on the Library Journal’s Best Reference 2011 list, with significant contributions to two of the recommended works: "Atlas of the 2008 Elections" and "Atlas of the Great Plains." Continue reading…
Congratulations to Al Dutcher, state climatologist, who received the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association Service to Industry Award. Dutcher speaks regularly to sorghum producers and many others about climate conditions around the state.
The State Museum’s next Sunday with a Scientist program for children and families will focus on the paleontology of Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park. The program is 1:30-4:30 p.m., March 18 at Morrill Hall. Continue reading…