Dr. Andrew Little of UNL appeared as a guest on The Great Outdoor Radio Show with Greg Wagner on Saturday, June 18th. Dr. Little, who heads up the Applied Wildlife Ecology & Spatial Movement (AWESM) Lab, shared about the lab’s current and upcoming research projects and highlighted why studying wildlife on a landscape scale is vital to successful conservation. The pair also talked precision conservation, which is a form of targeted conservation meant to help meet multiple land needs, and discussed why this new approach can be a good fit for both wildlife and landowners.
Dr. Little, who holds an Extension appointment with the university, also pointed out that simply doing the research is not enough – findings must be made widely available, and researchers need to engage with those affected by their research along the way. As part of an effort to widely distribute the AWESM Lab’s research, Dr. Little and his team have embraced a social media presence as well as regular communication with stakeholders to build trust. “Building trust with landowners is critical to natural resource conservation success!” Dr. Little remarked when asked about the importance of communication and trust. “To build trust with landowners, you need to sit down (over a cup of coffee) and talk with them about their land management objectives and discuss ways that we can work together as a team to ensure conservation success.”
To learn more about Dr. Little and the AWESM Lab’s research, visit awesmlab.unl.edu or follow the lab on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @awesmlab.
To listen to Dr. Little on The Great Outdoor Radio Show with Greg Wagner, visit myboomerradio.com
More details at: https://www.myboomerradio.com/episode/the-great-outdoor-radio-show-with-greg-wagner-6-18-2022/