University of Nebraska–Lincoln doctoral students can register for a free webinar on Ph.D. Career Paths.
Participants in webinar, 11 a.m. to noon Oct. 4, will learn about career opportunities after completing a doctorate.
The Great Lakes I-Corps Hub, of which Nebraska U is a member, hosts a series of workshops called “Pathways to Impact,” designed to help researchers adopt an entrepreneurial mindset and think about impact beyond the laboratory.
In this workshop, Ph.D. Career Paths, participants will walk away with list of five potential career opportunities to further explore, and learn how to conduct an informational interview, identify five potential candidates to interview, and identify their LinkedIn contact information.
The audience for this workshop includes doctoral students and master’s students intending to pursue a doctorate.
Find out more and register at
More details at: https://www.greatlakesicorps.org/event/pathways-to-impact-ph-d-career-paths/