“One thing that is unique in the store is that we have the largest publication of historical aerial photos of land cover in the entire state of Nebraska,” manager Jacki Loomis said.
Loomis said the store, also known as the Earth Science Information Center, dates back as far as UNL’s Conservation and Service Division, which is more than 100 years.
Loomis said the store is a cataloging and sales facility that sells publications and maps related to the School of Natural Resources, specifically publications from UNL’s faculty in the college.
Loomis best describes the store as a map, book and gift store at the School of Natural Resources because mugs, bags, T-shirts, and postcards are all branded with the logo for the school. The store also features jewelry made from natural stone or recyclable material.
Customers can find the store’s merchandise on Amazon.com, several platforms on the University of Nebraska - Lincoln MarketPlace and on the store’s website.
Three students are currently working to digitize the store’s 7,000-item catalog, with some of those items nearly 100 years old.
Farmers, engineers and consultants from across the state come to the store to use the archive and ask for duplicates of the photos, Loomis said.
“Land owners especially want to use these photos of their land to see what changes have occurred over the years, challenge land disputes, and study water drainage,” she said.
by Staff The Daily Nebraskan, news@dailynebraskan.com
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/qo0x