SNR in the News: August

SNR in the News
SNR in the News

The National Drought Mitigation Center continued to get a lot of play in the media in August as drought conditions continued to affect many regions of the United States. The AWIS mentoring workshop, one of SNR’s newest faculty members and SNR’s ties to Thailand university also were featured.

Cody Knutson, social scientist with the NDMC, was featured in the August edition of Black Hills Parent magazine. Read it:

• Emeritus professor Don Wilhite tackled climate change and politics in an Aug. 3 story on his retirement from University of Nebraska-Lincoln SNR. Read it:

• The Journal Star also quoted Wihlite in its Aug. 10 editorial to Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, who has indicated mistakenly the role human’s play in climate change. Read it:

• The Association for Women in Science mentoring workshop, organized by SNR faculty and doctoral students, were featured on the nightly news Aug. 25. Though the video is unavailable, the story is still online here:

• While teaching in Thailand this summer, Larkin Powell signed a general memorandum of understanding agreement with King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, expanding academic collaborations between UNL and KMUTT. The Daily Nebraskan reported on the agreement Aug. 25:

Jamilynn Poletto, one of SNR’s newest faculty members, was featured in a Journal Star story Aug. 29 about the start to the new school year. Poletto, an animal behaviorist specializing in fish biology and conservation, said she was excited about the opportunities at SNR and UNL. Read it:

• The Big Ten Network featured the work by the NDMC, Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute and Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies mitigating, measuring and managing drought in the Middle East and North Africa region in a story Aug. 29. NDMC Director Mike Hayes talked about the work and the hoped for outcomes. Read it:

Mark Svoboda, a NDMC climatologist, was interviewed by NPR’s The Salt on Aug. 30, about northeast farmers battling against drought. Read it:

This list is not comprehensive. If you saw SNR featured in an article, blog or other news medium not included here, please forward the link and information to Shawna Richter-Ryerson at

-- Shawna Richter-Ryerson, Natural Resources

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