The School of Natural Resources has welcomed new employees and said goodbye to others. The follow lists are our most recent hires and separations.
Welcome to SNR
• Sruti Das Choudhury joined SNR as a research assistant professor, working with Tala Awada, associate dean of the Agricultural Research Division and SNR professor. Choudhury’s contact info: 724 Hardin Hall, Lincoln NE 68583-0987; 402-472-3471; or
• David Damsky has joined SNR as a field supervisor and crew leader for Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Contact info: 422 Hardin Hall, Lincoln NE 68583-0984; 402-472-0339; or
• Nathaniel Scofield has joined the Conservation and Survey Division as a temporary worker. Contact info: 606 Hardin Hall, Lincoln NE 68583-0996; 402-472-3288; or
We bid adieu
We say farewell and good luck to Lindsey Messinger of SNR. We thank her for her hard work and dedication to the school.
• Messinger accepted a position as a wildlife research biologist with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ Farmland and Agriculture Research group. Her last day was Nov. 2.
-- Natural Resources
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