The School of Natural Resources is hosting its first documentary movie night featuring the film “DamNation” from 7 to 9 p.m. Feb. 2 at Hardin Hall Auditorium, 3310 Holdrege St., Lincoln. The free event is open to the public. Continue reading…
Cory Forbes, School of Natural Resources science literacy associate professor, recently was appointed as a SENCER Leadership Fellow by the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement. He was one of five selected from a pool of more than 6,000 considered to be part of the NCSCE community. Continue reading…
The Natural Resources and Life Science Career Day is 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 25 in Hardin Hall, 3310 Holdrege St., Lincoln. Students will have the opportunity to network with employers and learn about volunteer opportunities, internships and career opportunities. Continue reading…
The High Plains Regional Climate Center recently released its first annual regional climate summary, covering climate conditions, data and rankings, and extremes events for the year 2016. Continue reading…
Tasty dinner. Easy dinner. Healthy dinners you can make for a week with a little weekend prep. Sound good? Easy? Deliciousness should be expected.
Sign up now for the Friday, Jan. 27, wellness cooking demonstration for School of Natural Resources faculty and staff. Continue reading…
The information provided in this announcement is tailored and geared toward all SNR students. Whether it's important dates, jobs/internship postings or other helpful info, students can find news essential to their success. Faculty members are welcome to read and share this information accordingly. Continue reading…