The School of Natural Resources recently earned the Chancellor’s Outstanding Contribution to Wellness Award for its support of employee wellbeing over the past year.
The award was presented at the Wellness Ambassador Forum in late August, where Crystal Stiles, SNR Wellness Ambassador and applied climatologist with the High Plains Regional Climate Center, accepted the award.
“It was an honor to accept this award on behalf of SNR,” she said. “Mark Mesarch, Sarah Spier, and I have enjoyed promoting wellness activities and encouraging our colleagues to be well. We look forward to continuing this endeavor for the current academic year.”
She isn’t kidding.
The Wellness Committee is promoting two events occurring within the next week.
This Thursday, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is offering “Wellness 101”, an event that provides free screenings for stress and time management, financial wellness, blood pressure, flexibility, and more. Participants will have the opportunity to gather resources on each of the core wellness areas: emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual.
The event will be hosted at several locations, but the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources event is 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Oct. 12 in the Great Plains Room at East Campus Union. To register, click here.
Those with a time conflict should email Stiles at for more information on other Wellness 101 opportunities on campus.
SNR will host the second wellness activity: A Fall Picnic at Nine-Mile Prairie from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 16. Dave Wedin, director of Nine-Mile Prairie, will lead a hike across the grounds, which are gorgeous this time of year.
The event falls during fall break. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch and good walking shoes. Transportation will be available from Hardin Hall to the prairie and back.
Those interested in participating should sent their RSVP to Stiles as soon as possible.
SNR wellness in 2018
Stiles; Mesarch, SNR web and data programmer; and Spier, graduate student representative, have updated the SNR wellness plan to include these added measureable goals for the coming year:
- Encourage the use of compostable plates, cups and utensils for SNR get-togethers to promote environmental wellness
- Increase participation of SNR graduate students in the wellness program
- Promote “Wellness 101,” the university wellness initiative event, and boost participation
To view the plan, click here.
To keep up-to-date on the latest wellness activities, sign up for the listserv here.
Natural Resources