Celebrating Howard Wiegers' Legacy and Life

This year, Howard will be turning 100 years young. We're asking everyone to donate $100 to the Howard Wiegers Student Travel Support Fund, providing outside-the-classroom experiences that Howard has always encouraged for all students.
This year, Howard will be turning 100 years young. We're asking everyone to donate $100 to the Howard Wiegers Student Travel Support Fund, providing outside-the-classroom experiences that Howard has always encouraged for all students.

It's nearly impossible to think of the UNL Fisheries and Wildlife program without thinking of Howard Wiegers — the man who singlehandedly founded and built the program to what it is today.

This year, Howard will be turning 100 years young. We're asking everyone to donate $100 to the Howard Wiegers Student Travel Support Fund, providing outside-the-classroom experiences that Howard has always encouraged for all students.

More details at: http://nufoundation.org/wiegers