The TLC is piloting several new grant opportunities focused on course instruction and design.
1. Course Innovation: Identify a change to make in your classroom and partner with the TLC to develop a solution for Fall 2023.
Compensation: $1,500
2. Course Review: Complete a developmental review process for one of your courses.
Compensation: $500
3. Reflective Practitioner Program: Complete the Center for Transformative Teaching Reflective Practitioner Program, which provides a framework and structured activities to promote intentional and effective instructional strategies.
Compensation: $3,000
Anticipated Timeline: 9 months
4. Seacrest Teaching Fellowship: Complete a research project on a teaching innovation or intervention that improves student outcomes.
Compensation: $6,000-$7,000
Anticipated Timeline: 1-4 years
Applications for these grants take less than 5 minutes and is quickly approaching on June 15th. Apply and learn more at: https://business.unl.edu/current-students/teaching-and-learning-center/faculty-development/
Please direct questions to Kasey Linde.