"Bolivia Reborn" is the title and focus of a photo exhibit by Luis Peon-Casanova at the Nebraska Union’s Rotunda Gallery ending today.
The College of Journalism and Mass Communications will host a reception in Peon-Casanova’s honor at the Rotunda Gallery today from noon to 1 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
The exhibit will go on display at the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center through May 5.
Peon-Casanova’s photographs are part of a 132-page magazine titled “Bolivia Reborn,” published by the college in 2011.
Since coming to power in 2005 and being re-elected in 2009, Evo Morales has presided over Bolivia’s transformation in favor of its indigenous majority. Like South Africa, Bolivia’s indigenous people had experienced political and economic discrimination for hundreds of years.
The magazine documents the country’s struggle to gain autonomy and identity and redefines a people’s concept of independence and citizenship in the regional, national and international spheres.
Peon-Casanova was one of five faculty advisers for the Bolivia depth project, which is one in the college’s series of international depth reporting projects that include focuses on France, Cuba, Germany, Sri Lanka, Kosovo, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
“Bolivia Reborn” contains stories and photographs produced by student reporters and is accompanied by a website at http://cojmc.unl.edu/bolivia .
Peon-Casanova, an assistant professor of advertising and public relations, says “the photos are a testament to Bolivia’s struggle to define itself in a complex world.”
The Bolivia student reporters and photojournalists included Rachel Albin, Carrie Brauer, Patrick Breen, Elizabeth Gamez, Ellen Hirst, Brady Jones, Casey Mills, Marcus Scheer, Justin Swanson, Andrea Vasquez and Kate Veik.
Four other faculty members joined Peon-Casanova to work with students and produce “Bolivia Reborn”: Carla Kimbrough, associate professor of journalism; Scott Winter, assistant professor of journalism; Waskar Ari, professor of ethnic studies; and John Wunder, professor of history.
The depth reporting projects support a college core value: to foster international experiences so students become skilled international communicators with a global understanding of diverse cultures, religions and ideologies.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/4r7