Now in its fourth year, UNL's "Go Green for Big Red" recycling program is recruiting volunteers.
The program is designed to increase recycling in parking lots and walkways around Memorial Stadium on Husker home football Saturdays. Landscape Services coordinates the effort with Recycling Enterprises.
Last year 150 volunteers put in some 300 hours to keep more than 9,500 pounds of plastic cups, bottles and aluminum cans from entering the landfill.
“This is a great opportunity for student groups, fraternities, sororities and UNL offices to get to know other members of the community while helping the university ‘go green’,” said Jeff Henson.
Recycling bins will be located near waste containers along high-traffic pedestrian walkways leading to Memorial Stadium. Parking lot attendants will also hand green recycling bags to tailgaters. Volunteers will walk the parking lots collecting the full green recycling bags and take them to nearby recycling containers.
Volunteer by contacting Prabhakar Shrestha or Henson, UNL's recycling coordinators, at or 402-472-9139. Volunteers must sign up by the Wednesday before each home game.
“Go Green for Big Red is an excellent statement of the university’s sustainability mission," said Shrestha. "Our faculty, staff and students care for the environment and are willing to contribute their valuable time for the sake of environment.”