Registration open for Oct. 3 DoD funding workshop

Faculty seeking ideas to successfully compete for U.S. Department of Defense funding can get information at an Oct. 3 workshop, "Obtaining Research Funding from the Department of Defense."

Sponsored by the Office of Research and Economic Development, the workshop will be from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Heritage Room, with lunch included. Advance registration is required. Register at

Increasing defense funding is one of UNL's goals for achieving research and economic development growth plans.

Participants will learn about Department of Defense research offices, agency culture and terminology, young investigator programs, and special considerations and requirements for writing funding proposals. The workshop will include how-to directions on finding a program officer and writing a quad chart or white chart. The event will feature a two-hour hands-on session to help researchers determine where their research fits at the Department of Defense.

The session will be led by Lucy Deckard, a proposal development expert with Academic Research Funding Strategies. Previously, Deckard was associate director of the Office of Proposal Development at Texas A&M University and a research engineer. Deckard has successfully competed for funding from the Department of Defense and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

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