Bruce Dvorak will present "Water Supply and Higher Education in the Czech Republic: Lessons Learned as a Fulbright," from 3:30-4:30 p.m., Jan. 26 in Hardin Hall Auditorium. The talk is part of the Water Center and School of Natural Resources spring seminar series.
Since the revolution of 1989, the Czech drinking water and wastewater industry has undergone a painful transition, with massive layoffs, adjustment to market pricing, foreign ownership of service companies and the advent of more opportunities for corruption.
During this time period, large changes occurred in the economics and regulation of the industry. The way technology and operations were and currently are applied will be compared to similar systems in Nebraska, with a focus on the likely directing factors for differences (e.g., economics, regulations, history, culture).
A main thread will be that recent adjustments resulted in very predictable changes in the technology and operations. In addition, a brief overview of the Czech higher education system in the larger interdisciplinary water area will be provided, and a discussion of how the political events of the past half century have resulted in decreases in resources and student interest in many areas of water research.
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