Campus Recreation is offering "Itty Bitty Sports," a program designed to introduce sports to children ages 3 to 5. Itty Bitty is affiliated with the nationally-recognized Start Smarts sports program. The program is focused on increasing motor skills, confidence and self-esteem. Students are allowed to progress at individual rates, and the emphasis on winning is minimal.
The spring "Sports Development" session meets 5:30-6:30 p.m., Thursdays, Feb. 8 to March 15 at the East Campus Activities Building. The program will focus on the basic skills needed for sports, including throwing, catching, kicking and batting.
The registration deadline is Feb. 4. Cost is $45 per child for UNL students and members of Campus Recreation; and $55 per child for the general public. A Soccer-specific session begins March 29.
Register online at http://crec.unl.edu, or in person at Campus Rec facilities on City or East campuses. For more information, call 472-3467.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/6rs