Gary Kebbel, professor of journalism and mass communications, has been invited by the U.S. State Department to attend the United States-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Sub-Group on Mass Media in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The draft agenda includes discussions on citizen journalism, journalism education and training, and media coverage/perceptions of Russia and the United States. Kebbel is a member of the sub-group, which will meet July 25-28.
The State Department, in a press release, says the Bilateral Presidential Commission is “the premier forum between the U.S. and Russia to strengthen relations with each respective government and society."
President Obama and Russian president Dimitry Medvedev established the BPC in July 2009 to reset U.S.-Russia relations and engage the Russian government to pursue foreign policy goals of common interest for the American and Russian people.
Last year’s meeting in Washington, D.C., focused on the three main themes of the sub-working group: the Business of Media; the Evolving Profession of Journalism; and New Media Technologies. Expert speakers led discussions on ethics, entrepreneurship and education, and the expanding role of social media. The agenda also included site visits of the White House Press Briefing Room, the Washington Post and the Newseum.