![Round UAAD columns JPG sml.jpg](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file2198.jpg)
The University Association for Administrative Development will meet, noon to 1 p.m., Sept. 15 in the Nebraska Union (room posted). This will be the first UAAD meeting of the fall semester.
The meeting will explore, "Change and Innovation at UNL - Academic Affairs." Speakers from Academic Affairs are Interim Vice Chancellor Ellen Weissinger, and associate vice chancellors David Wilson, Lance Perez and Nancy Kenney. The panel will provide information on changes with new deans and directors; efforts to create best practice collaboration on the business side of academics; and the current search for a new senior vice chancellor for academic affairs.
Budget issues will also be addressed during the meeting.
For more information go to http://uaad.unl.edu, or contact Sara Weixelman at sweixelman2@unl.edu or 472-3432.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/hzj