UNL Extension is offering several lawn and garden programs this spring. The programs are open to the public and are part of UNL Extension's Master Gardener training program.
Dates, subjects and presenters are:
Feb. 14 – Vegetables: Growing and Pest Control, presented by Sarah Browning, Lancaster County Extension educator – Learn about the growth and production of various vegetable crops in the garden, while comparing various pest control measures for effective control. This class will discuss how plant selection, growing environment, production levels and pest control are dependent on each other throughout the growing season.
Feb. 21 – Plant I.D. and Plant Diagnostics, presented by Kelly Feehan, Platte County Extension educator and Natalia Bjorklund, Dodge County Extension educator – What is that mystery plant? What is wrong with this plant? Participants will learn basic skills to properly identify plant material, and plant problems. Resources will be shared to help participants build plant identification and diagnostic skills.
Feb. 28 – Tree Problems: Environmental and Pests, presented by Graham Herbst, community forest specialist, Nebraska Forest Service – Tree problems can be caused from environmental, mechanical, disease and/or insect issues. Learn how these factors impact the health and quality of trees in the landscape and how to manage them. Examples of various problems will be shared and discussed in this class.
March 6 – Herbaceous Perennial Management, presented by Kim Todd, landscape design professor and specialist, UNL – Expand your plant pallete by correctly choosing, using and growing herbaceous perennial plants as a returning feature of landscapes. Integrate site selection, soil preparation, plant selection, fertility needs, plant division and pest management skills to further use these wonderful plants in a variety of landscape conditions.
March 13 – Soils and Soil Management, presented by Brad Jakubowski, environmental and earth sciences adjunct faculty, Doane College – Soil properties and their characteristics greatly influence the success of plant growth and vigor in the landscape. Participants will learn about the characteristics of soil properties, textures, water retention and nutrient binding to better understand how to prepare and amend soil for optimum plant material growth.
March 20 – Weed Management Basics, presented by Lowell Sandell, extension educator, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL – Weed management and control is a constant chore in the landscape. Learn about various types of weeds in the landscape, their growing habits and how to integrate cultural, mechanical and chemical control measures.
All programs are from 6:30-9 p.m. Central Time in Room 150 Keim Hall on UNL's East Campus. Cost is $10 and pre-registration is requested as there is a limited number of seats available. For more information, call 402-472-8973 or visit MasterGardener.unl.edu.
- Sandi Alswager Karstens, IANR News Service
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/0to