Intensive Internship Experience in Applied Business Projects Class (MRKT 490)

Apply to participate in the Applied Business Projects Class this fall.
Apply to participate in the Applied Business Projects Class this fall.

The Applied Business Projects class (MRKT 490) allows you to challenge yourself with projects for Union Pacific. Help Union Pacific become more innovative in working with their customers while building real-life experience.

WHAT IS THIS COURSE? The Department of Marketing at the College of Business and Union Pacific are teaming up to offer this 3 credit-hour applied special business projects class on Wednesdays, 8-10:50 a.m. in HLH 018 during the Fall 2020 semester.

WHY SHOULD I APPLY? This is an opportunity to build your résumé and experience working with a large company on real-life projects. The class is comparable to an intense internship, in which you are working with top management at Union Pacific over a 15-week period.

WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT? The class is divided into teams who will work on each project and present their findings to Union Pacific management. Union Pacific will choose the team with the best analysis and recommendations as the “winner” of each competition.

WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS? This is a 3 credit-hour class open to undergraduates and graduates in any major. Enrollment is limited to 25. Acceptance is based on academic background, GPA of 3.0 or higher, work experience and other pertinent information. The course prerequisite for MRKT 490 is MRKT 341.

To apply, Email Rob Simon at