BSAD 220 - Business Communications
The time has been changed for recitation sections to 701 and 705 to 9:00-10:15am, to allow students to enroll in both BSAD 220 and ACCT 201-001 (the in-person section).
ENTR 322 - Family Business
Are you interested in Family Business this fall? Applications for ENTR 322 are open, please visit https://go.unl.edu/entr322 to apply!
FINA 361A Finance
New option for FINA 361 this fall! Start finance a semester early if you have a 3.25 GPA and ACCT 201, ECON 211, ECON 215, MATH 104/106. This Excel-based course utilizes the financial modelling software, Wall Street Prep.
ECON 311A or 311B? ECON 312A or 312B?
Choose ECON 311A or 312A if:
-- Your major is economics
-- You may want to pursue graduate studies in economics
-- You are more mathematically inclined
ECON 311B or 312B:
-- Your major is not economics
-- You have a casual interest in macroeconomics
-- You are interested in a more descriptive, less quantitative course
FINA 464 Investors with Purpose
Apply for Investors with Purpose at https://business.unl.edu/investorswithpurpose. The application requires your unofficial transcript, resume, and a brief essay. Applications will be reviewed until May 1 or until the class is full. Contact Dr. DeFusco at rdefusco1@unl.edu with questions.