Medallion Program Takeoff

Medallion Program Takeoff
Medallion Program Takeoff

Are you ready to launch into the next level in your CoB experience? Join us for the Medallion Program Takeoff on Tuesday, August 28 at 4:30 p.m. in HLH 111. We encourage all current Medallion Program members to attend, along with students interested in joining!

The Medallion Program is a unique way for you to track your undergraduate involvement by earning points towards the bronze, silver, gold or platinum level medallion. If you’ve just come back from studying abroad, that's 1,000 points already! You can start anytime and points carry over year-to-year.

For more information about the Medallion Program, connect with Chandra Schwab at or Amy Lester at

See you August 28 as we launch to the next level!