![Law graphic](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file108812.jpg)
The University of Nebraska College of Law is a regional competition site for the National Trial Team Competition Feb. 15-17. The competition rounds will take place at the Lancaster & District Courthouses. We need at least four volunteers per trial to serve at witnesses and are looking for undergraduate students to fill these roles. Witnesses provide testimony about people, events, and documents that support either the Plaintiff or the Defendant in the mock law suit. Each witness will take the stand to testify and be examined by both sides of the case (Plaintiff and Defendant). We hope you will volunteer for this unique opportunity!
To see dates and times that witnesses are needed and to register visit this webpage. Have friends or relatives that may want to help, feel free to invite them as well! Additional information will be sent out when the competition is closer. Questions? Contact Katie Pfannenstiel at kpfannenstiel@unl.edu or 402-472-8382.