Out for Undergrad Marketing Conference is a perfect fit for students who have interested in LGBTQ+ community and the world of Marketing.
The future opportunities are endless as we have representatives from different fields, including Sales, Advertising, PR, Branding, Retail, Research, Tech, Design, and many more.
At this year virtual conference, you will be able to excel and to connect with top global company recruiters from New York City in a diverse and inclusive environment. This will also be a chance for you to learn from many LGBTQ+ leaders in the fields and to network with other top perfomance students from other universities.
If seleted, students will attend for FREE at a 4-day conference, from October 1-4.
Application Deadline | June 14, 2020 | 11:59 PM EST
If you have any question, please contact your Campus Ambassador: Kennedy Nguyen (He/Him/His) at kennedy.nguyen@huskers.unl.edu.
For more details: https://unl.box.com/s/vfr4o3ghbw8j23iykp9tw1fp81fjuptg
More details at: http://www.outforundergrad.org