Although many employers typically conduct a majority of their internship and full-time recruiting in the fall, this fall was different. Business students didn’t experience the same level of delayed or reduced hiring as some majors, but the fall semester was still slower than usual. The Business Career Center continues to hear from employers and we are anticipating that the spring semester will be stronger.
Here are a few ideas on how to use the break to be ready for the spring:
Update your Handshake profile.
Employers continue to post jobs and internships but also are offering virtual events. To get noticed, make sure your profile and resume are current and have your profile set as public/community so employers can find you. Business Career Center coaches are available to review your resume and profile.
Attend virtual recruiting events.
Check Handshake and follow employers on LinkedIn to learn about virtual recruiting or professional development events. Employers track who attends their sessions so this a good way to get noticed. Employers such as JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Proctor & Gamble offered sessions in December.
Prepare for virtual career fairs.
UNL spring career fairs will be conducted virtually using Handshake starting the week of February 22. You will RSVP to the fair in early February and then, based on the format the employer is offering, sign up to attend a group session and/or a 10-minute 1:1 session. You can already see employers who have registered although many more will do so by February so go ahead and save the fairs you are interested in now. Challenge yourself to research employers, especially organizations that are less familiar. Some employers are hosting their own career fairs, so look in Handshake, LinkedIn, and your professional organizations to make connections.
Put a reminder in your calendar to participate in Employer in Residence.
Starting January 26, employers can be physically in Hawks Hall or host virtual sessions from 11-1 daily. As there may be fewer students in the building or connecting online, any contact will give you a great chance to connect with a recruiter.
Get comfortable online.
Within Handshake, you can access Big Interview (https://unl.biginterview.com, access code 4024), to have a simulated interview based on industry, skills, and difficulty. Or make an appointment with Business Career Center coaches to check your technology, practice your elevator speech, and become more comfortable talking about yourself.
Access Husker Connect (huskerconnect.unl.edu) to identify professionals who can share their insights about their careers, industries, and locations.
The Business Career Center is prepared to help you prepare for this virtual recruiting environment. More details at: https://business.unl.edu/careers
More details at: https://business.unl.edu/careers