The Career Services Community across the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus is excited to host University Career Fairs virtually in the Spring of 2021. UNL’s Virtual University Career Fair will take place over four days, each day designated as specific to various career pathways. Continue reading…
Facebook, JPMorgan, and more employers across the world are offering virtual events that describe their organization or explore a business-related topic in more detail. View some of the upcoming events here. Continue reading…
Application Deadline: February 14
Calling all undergraduate women from any class year and any major: Join Forté for a premier virtual event to discover how to turn your passions into a business career. Continue reading…
February 22-23
Learn about Nebraska through a global lens at the Nebraska Department of Economic Development's two-day virtual webinar.
Registration Deadline: February 17 Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Explore Center is holding multiple workshops for students interested in Law-School and Med-School. Check out some of the upcoming events here. Continue reading…
Come chat about any career-related topics today! Our Career Coaches are available for in-person and virtual one-on-one scheduled appointments. Continue reading…
Study spaces on campus for students to attend the Spring Virtual Career Fair are available. These rooms allow students a quiet, distraction-free space to network with employers.