Pre-Law & Pre-Health Workshops

Pre-Law Pre-Health Workshops
Pre-Law Pre-Health Workshops

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Explore Center is holding multiple workshops for students interested in Law-School and Med-School. Check out some of the upcoming events here:


Get to Know the LSAT - via Zoom
Tuesday, Feb. 16, 4-5 p.m. CST
Pre-Law students of all grade levels are encouraged to attend this presentation on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Topics covered will include an overview of the exam and its sections, how to best prepare for the exam during your undergraduate education, practice LSAT opportunities, and timing of the test with law school
admissions cycles.
Zoom link:

Law School Essay Workshop - via Zoom
Wednesday, Mar. 17, 4-5 p.m. CST
This workshop will cover what law schools are looking for in personal statements and provide you with writing exercises to begin the process of developing your individual story in a strong and compelling manner. Co-presented with the UNL Writing Center.
Zoom link:


Pre-Health Case Studies
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 4-5 p.m. CST
In this dialogue-based workshop, you will work through health-based case studies to identify potential opportunities for advancing equity in healthcare. We will also discuss the importance of these topics when applying for professional school as well as their relevance in the real world.
Zoom link:

Applying to Health Schools 101
Wednesday, Mar. 10, 4-5 p.m. CST
Learn about the necessary steps in applying to a professional health school and how to submit your best application. This workshop will not
cover information about applying to nursing school, radiography programs, or dental hygiene programs.
Zoom link:

More details at: