Business Career Center Fri. Aug. 26, 2022
- Join Us At Back To School Bash | Friday, August 26 | 3-4:30 p.m.
- Denver Career Expedition | Tour Mile High Stadium
- Red Divider Bar 3
- Career Closet and Career Fair Tips | DIGS-HLH 102 | Tuesday, September 13 | 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
- Husker Suit-Up | Professional Attire at Discounted Prices
- University Career + Internship Fairs | September 20, 21, 22, 28
- Lavender Closet Pop-Ups | September 12, 13, 14
- Major Showcase
- Red Divider Bar 2
- Women in Accounting Summit | August 31, 2022
- Hello Accounting Majors! | Minneapolis Big 4 Career Fair | August 31
- Hudl Internship Kickoff | Sept 1 | 4 p.m. CT | You're Invited!
- Building a Better Working World | Virtual Event hosted by EY
- KPMG Ignition Opportunities | Virtual Event
- Red Divider Bar
- Handshake
- Career Success Awaits: Meet with a Career Coach Today