Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Career Information Day

Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Career Information Day
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Career Information Day

Please join us for the Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences Career Information Day on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. This event will take place in Hardin Hall on east campus.

At this event, students will have the opportunity to network with employers and learn about the vast range of internship, full-time and volunteer possibilities. Students will also be able to gain valuable insight into the natural resources & environmental sciences fields through a panel session that will be held over the lunch hour.

Our Panelists:
-Linnea Lopez, Wetland Biologist for the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
-Kim Morrow, Chief Sustainability Officer for the City of Lincoln
-Laura Stastny, Executive Director at Nebraska Wildlife Rehab
-Adam Rupe, Natural Resources Specialist at JEO Consulting

Students are encouraged to register for the event on Handshake by using the link provided:

More details at: