Enjoy Your Winter Break!
Wishing Everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday Break!
Reminder that the Business Career Center is open during the Holiday Break! Schedule your appointment now! Continue reading for the Holiday Hours. Continue reading…
Wishing Everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday Break!
Reminder that the Business Career Center is open during the Holiday Break! Schedule your appointment now! Continue reading for the Holiday Hours. Continue reading…
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Phoenix Career Expedition
Spring Break in Arizona | March 10-13, 2024
Deadline to apply for the Phoenix Career Expedition is Sunday, February 4!
Visit employers, connect with Husker alumni and experience life in the city.
This experience will happen over Spring Break and will include employer visits to Morgan Stanley, CCS Products, Sprouts, Boys and Girls Club, and the Arizona Cardinals (including a stadium tour). In addition, students will attend a networking reception with Phoenix area alumni and professionals. It's a great way to learn about employers and industries while building relationships with fellow CoB students. For more information, check https://business.unl.edu/current-students/careerexpedition/
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Business students in their first year to junior years can explore career paths and industries through one-on-one interactions with an employer through the Business in Action Job Shadow Program. Continue reading…
More details at: http://business.unl.edu/JobShadowRed divider bar to separate text
In between holiday snacking and movie watching, take a few minutes to prepare for your job or internship search. You’ll be glad you are ready before actually needing to apply! Continue reading…
An extended time at home over break can provide parents an opportunity to inquire about your career goals, often seeking assurance that you are headed toward achieving a career outcome that is realistic and self-sustaining. Continue reading…
At some point, most college students experience an overwhelming (and pretty yucky) feeling of not know which direction to go with their life. You may question what to major in, what career to pursue, or whether or not to stay in school at all. Continue reading…
More details at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y12ImeKv9dQRed divider bar to separate text
Expedition EY is a program incepted since 2021 that has focused primarily on underrepresented groups, which consist of Black, Latinx and Native American students, Veterans, LGBT+ students and students with disabilities as well as Women in Tech. Continue reading…
Get ready to dive into the world of Eide Bailly at our Visit the Firm event! Join us for activities, conversations, and giveaways! This event will be held in our Omaha, NE office. Continue reading…
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Whether you’re exploring career paths, refining your résumé, gearing up for an interview, negotiating your salary, or applying for graduate school, our career coaches are here to guide you through every step of your career. Continue reading…
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