Tips to Use Your Strength | POSITIVITY

Tips to Use Your Strength | POSITIVITY
Tips to Use Your Strength | POSITIVITY

Tips to Use Your Strength | POSITIVITY

In the job search
-Your Positivity helps you remain patient and face challenges with a affirmative attitude. Even in rejection, you see each opportunity as a learning experience and know you will find something that will work for you.
-Search for careers that allow you to work in a team and be in a friendly work environment. Any career that allows you to encourage others will be rewarding.
-Tips: Although the natural tendency is to search for positives in all job opportunities, make sure to stay grounded and realistic about whether a job actually matches your values, skills, and personality.

In the interview
-You can highlight how your high-energy, upbeat outlook helps you motivate your peers. Give examples of how others look to you for support and advice.
-In job interviews you are able to make the interviewers feel your positive spirit. The enthusiasm you bring to the interview comes across as confidence and authentic excitement for the job opportunity.
-Tips: Make sure to have a balance of realism and optimism during the job interview so that employers can know you can be serious when you need to be.

In the new position
-Your Positivity will help you adapt to your new job position and make connections with your co-workers and superiors. People will be drawn to your personality.
-Remember to focus your energy on the tasks at hand. Visualize the best possible outcome for a project and work toward that goal. Let your positivity keep you adaptable to any problems you may encounter.

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