What Are Employers Really Looking For?
While experience and relevant coursework are important, soft skills and the ability to relate to others are crucial. These skills can set you apart from other candidates. Your qualifications and experience get you the interview, but your relational skills make the difference during the interview. This article details how to have an effective interview and displays the standout qualities employers are looking for.
Top Skills Employers Seek:
1. Problem-solving and critical thinking
2. Ability to work in a team
3. Written and verbal communication
4. Analytic/quantitative abilities
5. Strong work ethic
6. Flexibility/adaptability
7. Initiative
8. Attention to detail
How to Highlight These Skills in Interviews:
1. Use the STAR method: Begin by describing a specific situation you encountered. What was the task involved in the situation? List actions you took to address and complete the task. Finally, describe the results of your actions.
2. Show results: Use examples, facts, and figures. Be specific and show what actions you took to get these results. How can those actions translate to this role you are interviewing for?
Additional Tips to Stand Out:
1. Tell Me about Yourself Statement: Craft a concise, engaging statement that describes who you are and your career development process. Think of this as your personal elevator pitch, where you capture the employer’s interest. This often sets the tone for the rest of the interview.
2. Questions for After the Interview: Preparing thoughtful questions to ask the employer is critical. Take time to research the company and have questions prepared for the employer to show your interest in the company and desire to work there.
3. Speaking and Intonation: Be confident in your responses. Your tone, pace, and volume of speech reflects confidence in your answers and can show your personality. Speak at an appropriate pace so that you can be understood. Be mindful of nervous habits and unnecessary use of filler words.
4. Professionalism and Attire: Dress appropriately for the role and ensure a professional background if interviewing virtually.
More details at: https://business.unl.edu/current-students/business-career-center