The UNL Department of Marketing in conjunction with Lincoln Industries, a Lincoln based manufacturing company is offering the opportunity to work with a real client in a special experiential class. The class will work with Lincoln Industries as a client on specific business projects the company is analyzing.
This is an opportunity to build your portfolio and experience working with a real client using your skills and expertise to help the company analyze real projects they are working on. The class is comparable to an intense internship, in which you are working with top management at Lincoln Industries.
The class is divided in teams with a leader appointed for each team. The teams will work on each project and the teams will present their findings on each project to the management of Lincoln Industries. Lincoln Industries will pick the team with the best analysis and recommendations as the winner of the “Competition” for each project. You will also get direct feedback from the management at Lincoln Industries.
The class will be a 3 hour credit class in Marketing for Spring 2018 and is open to undergraduates in any major. Enrollment is limited to 25 and acceptance will be based on academic background, GPA, work experience and other pertinent information. Prerequisite for this class is MRKT 341. There are no books or tests in the class, but the class will focus on you using the skills and tools you have developed to create opportunities, insights and solutions for business challenges for our client, Lincoln Industries.
The class will be on Wednesday mornings from 8:00 to 10:20 a.m. Admittance to the class is by application, which is attached to the email or can be requested from Rob Simon rsimon2@unl.edu.
Please contact Rob Simon rsimon2@unl.edu 402 417-5576 if you have questions. Learn about Lincoln Industries: http://www.lincolnindustries.com/
More details at: http://www.lincolnindustries.com/